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Young footballers, reveal your potential with high performance football courses!
Football, the king of sport and passion of millions, is full of budding talents who dream of climbing the ladder and reaching the top.
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High Performance Football Camp in Spain: 9 pillars for an optimal result by Fernando Pérez .
At the High Performance Football Camp in Alicante, we strive to be very careful about the training methodology.
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I - Youth football: how to prepare for football tryouts?
In football, clubs, especially those in Europe, are constantly on the lookout for promising young talent in order to secure the future .
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Do you want to be a professional footballer? Here are the conditions according to FIFA.
We explain what it takes to become a professional footballer and what it means to have such a career.
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Football academy and elite clinics in Spain.
Devenir un joueur professionnel nécessite un entraînement intense, créer des joueurs complets est plus facile avec la bonne méthodologie...
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