The children were organized and received different treatment depending on their age, which is 6 to 18, with the understanding that this is the phase in which they should be. The parents also attend, but respecting an order so that the children take full advantage of the sessions that the coaches have come to give from Barcelona.
On Wednesday January 16, the inauguration of MARCET Soccer Camp Morocco 2019 took place in the facilities of the RAHAL Football Club in Casablanca. The organizers, coaches and the national press who participated in this great football project are also present.
The staff explained in detail to the parents and the press each step that took place during the week of camp and which steps are taken with the children, as well as the details of the event.
The method of this camp had as a first step the identification of the skills of each individual; the evaluation of each skill is the next step; the analysis of each skill which facilitates the learning of the athlete; the initial matrix evaluation which determines the situation and the real level of each student; the determination of personalized objectives for each student ; Planning learning strategies, wich means how and when to achieve each player's stated goals, wich means practicing the strategy through planned exercises, games, Reaction and activities; where the talent is evaluated; Matrix assessment, which is done after the term is over to achieve a goal; Visualizing the result; and finally, Determining new goalsrsion)