For any young footballer wishing to become a professional footballer, Footboleros has set up a route that accompanies young soccer enthusiasts from the age of 6 to 24 years to become professionals through 5 steps:
Footboleros offers parents of children between 6 and 10 years old the opportunity to take part in summer training and entertainment camps at a football club of their choice. These are courses for elite clubs, available in different countries: Real Madrid, FC Porto, Manchester City, Liverpool, AC Milan...

These club soccer courses combine football with recreational activities or language learning. Most clubs offer around 20 hours of football training per week with the official coaches.
These courses are ideal if this is the first time your child is taking part in this type of courses or if he or she has an average level in football, but also and especially if the aim is to spend summer holidays in an international and entertaining environment, while being able to learn a new language (English, Spanish...).
From about 11 years old, young players are redirected to High Performance Academies such as the Alicante Elite Academy, CD Leganes, Malaga CF, Alicante Academy, Barcelona High Level... to train professionally and with an intense rhythm for 2 weeks up to a month in summer.
These are demanding and professional academies that offer between 30 and 40 hours of football per week: the objective is 100% focused on the practice of football. This course is perfect if your child plays more than 5 hours of football per week in a local team and wants to strengthen his or her football skills and prepare professionally. The academies are a good springboard if your child wants to join a soccer training centre in the future.

From the age of 14, young football talents are prepared in the above-mentioned elite academies but with annual programmes. Each football academy offers a different level of training and experience but all aim to ensure your child's development over a period of one year in excellent training and learning facilities and premises. They also provide fun activities and other learning opportunities.
Once the young footballer is competent and aged 16 or over, he or she is occasionally offered soccer trials such as the Barcelona Football Tryout or Malaga CF Football Trial to show their football skills in front of sports directors, UEFA representatives and coaches of professional teams, and subsequently have the chance to be recruited into a renowned football club.

5. Professional contract :
In case the candidate is chosen in the trials by a professional team, he is offered to sign a professional contract of representation with the agency, approved by the Spanish Football Federation, Jep Sport Management.
In short, whatever your age and level in football, Footboleros has the ideal plan for the progression of your career as a professional football player.