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How to impress at a football tryout

Knowing how to perform at a football tryout can help you prepare properly and make you aware of what you need to and can offer the recruiters, managers or coaches who will be watching you.

How to impress in a football trial

Soccer trials are a great way to get into good teams. It is sometimes a unique opportunity for many young and old players to join a club and get closer to their goal.

It is therefore worthwhile that as players we learn how to impress in a football tryout so that we have a better chance of being selected.

Chaque match ou entraînement est une opportunité

Every match or training session is an opportunity

Yes, a 'trial' at any club is a fantastic opportunity for footballers, but we also need to remember that it's not the end of the world not to succeed.

Scouts and coaches are often looking for a specific player profile that fits the philosophy of the club, so maybe they don't keep you because of your level or because you need a very long adaptation time that the club doesn't want at this stage or also because at this point there is a great player already signed at your position or they are looking for another demarcation if we are talking about the top categories of a professional club.

For this reason FOOTBOLEROS, after receiving the player's file and possibly a letter of recommendation, integrates the player into the 'FOOTBOLEROS PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM' by sending his complete file to other partner clubs in order to have more opportunities.

It is important to have a lot of mental strength to accept that you may not succeed even if you give everything you have and are up to the challenge. Remember that every match or training session with your current team is an opportunity to show your qualities. It is up to you to give the best possible performance whenever you can.

Leadership and confidence

The elite is full of fearless players and the competition is extreme for every minute and every opportunity. Scouts and coaches know this and therefore one of the qualities they require is that players have the confidence to show their skills and not be afraid to fail.

Signer un contrat avec un club professionel

Being a leader goes the same way. You need to have the composure to know that other players are fighting for the same thing as you on that field.

Show your skills

If you take a test, it is assumed that you have a skill, right? Normally we all excel in one particular area and fail in another.

Our advice is not to be afraid. Ask for the ball and don't hide when your teammates have the opportunity to give you a pass.

Don't lose the ball and play forward whenever you can. Also, these days they are always looking for attacking qualities in any player, so if you are in a good position to finish, don't even think about passing unless it's crystal clear!

Communication skills

When you arrive, introduce yourself, talk to the coaches and teammates. This is a good way to relax and blend in before you start and get the nerves out of the way.

Players are people and good social skills can open many doors if things go well for you or, ultimately, don't go as planned. You never know what opportunity may present itself again.

Also, it is important that you speak up on the field. Let your teammates know that they are alone, ask for the ball, raise your hand... All this is very important.

Do your very best

This should go without saying, but we have to mention it, as obvious as it may seem. You have little time, so you have to do your best in these trials. You will have time to rest when you are chosen.

This does not mean that you have to run around like a headless chicken, but that you should not waste your energy.

Recognise your role on the pitch

Entrainement test de football

You need to know what a coach wants in a particular position. Each player has a role depending on their position and it is important to differentiate between them.

A defender, the first thing he has to do is defend. They are interested in defenders with offensive projection, but if you are a passer-by, you are no use at all. Maybe that's not the position for you.

A winger has to be bold and create chances, either with good passes or with shots on goal. Play with your head and recognise what you need to do at all times.

Tactical discipline

Good tactical discipline will help you to play smart.

What does it mean to play intelligent? Well, it means that you will make better decisions on every action. It will help you to measure your efforts, to touch more balls, to intercept more and to be more decisive with every touch.

Therefore, we recommend that you know how to move with and without the ball in every position you play.


You will have to show yourself, have personality and go for it. You need to differentiate yourself and the more decisive you are in your actions, the more likely you are to pass the test.

jeune footballeur signe avec le cd leganes footboleros

Finally, we leave you with the LIVING4FOOTBALL training programs for football players, with which you will increase your physical level and you can be in great shape for the test or improve your level during your current season.

If you consider yourself ready to take official tests with professional clubs that are partners of FOOTBOLEROS, just follow the links below:

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